(no) rules
artists Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen Anett Lau, Sao Sreymao, YKON


video / performance


Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen
Anett Lau, Sao Sreymao, YKON

Everything can and will be calculated. Play is no longer just unintentional activity, it is also a (distorting) mirror and paradigm. Mechanisms, patterns and rules emerge. An interaction between reality and game/image emerges. Game theory enables precise predictions to be made

for the behavior of groups of people. In combination with mechanics and cybernetics, it expands the playing field. It can be anywhere.

Curator: Gisela Wrede

The exhibition brings together current works in the fields of participatory art/video by artists and artist groups who relate to the theme of game theory in very different ways.

Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen have developed many filmic and performative projects together since 2003, focusing on people's stories, fantasies and dreams.
Their work has been exhibited worldwide, including at the Mori Art Museum (Tokyo), P.S.1 (New York), T, Shedhalle (Zurich), Kunsthalle Fridericianum (Kassel), Hamburg Kunsthalle, KUMU (Tallinn), KIASMA (Helsinki), S.M.A.K. (Ghent), Museo de Arte Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires) and Ars Electronica Center (Linz). Since 2005, they have been members of the YKON group, which uses reality games to explore contemporary utopias.The group has organized events, games and exhibitions in venues like Mercosul Biennial (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Baltic Circle Festival (Helsinki, Finland), Haus Am Lützowplatz (Berlin, Germany) and Communikey festival (Colorado, US). "Conversation Park" (video/ participatory project) will be part of the exhibition; a unique artistic experiment of transforming an abandoned plot of land into a public park in the Finnish town of Rauma. In 2019 thirty residents became players in a two-year-long “Public Space Game”. Their mission was to turn their 30 individual visions into one urban park. The playful process progressed through 6 phases aka 6 game moves.

Anett Lau has realised numerous interventions in public spaces, spatial installations and participatory projects, e.g. the interactive oversized board game SOCIAL DANCING, exhibited in 2021 at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, Dependance Schloß Köpenick.
The artist loves lines, patterns and rules. For the exhibition, she is experimenting with the theme of "trigger points". The basis of this participatory work is the intensive reflection of current sociological positions, including those of Steffen Mau, Thomas Lux
and Linus Westheuser. Inspired by contrasting concepts such as right - left, top - bottom, male - female, more or less*, visitors are invited to playfully determine their own position in society in a pattern puzzle.

The Cambodian multidisciplinary artist artist Sao Sreymao is working with painting, photography, digital drawing, sculpture, and performance. Her work explores personal expression and memories, as well as the changing physical and psychological landscapes of Cambodian urban. Her recent work, "Breathe," is a video piece that explores the interplay between human emotion and the natural between the sound of developing pressure. „Through "The Breath," I contemplate the choices individuals face in such circumstances: whether to resist or to give in. The series aims to provoke introspection and empathy from viewers, encouraging them to consider their own responses to adversity.“ Sao Sreymao

YKON, PLAY HOUSE (a reality game/party performance), wednesday, 10th of july 2024, 7.00 – 10.00 p.m.
A space filled with people, drinks, food, music… and then what? The event looks like a party from the outside, but there are a lot of parallel games going on. YKON hosts Tellervo Kalleinen, Sauli Anetjärvi, Christina Kral and Milan Braun welcome the guests and give them individual game tasks. This evening shows how simple, low-tech game mechanics can radically alter how people relate to each other. The ca. three hour event welcomes suspension, deconstruction and reconfiguration with social interactions.

Tellervo Kalleinen, Recycling You (Performance), 6.th of july 2024, 6.00-6.30 p.m.:
As the name suggests, this is a recycling event. Together with Tellervo Kalleinen the audience exchanges their old opinions. An idea you no longer need can be interesting to someone else. Some of the opinions are needed by nobody.

Opening 6th of July, 3 - 6 pm

Artist Talk 7th of July, 3 pm  

Performance 10th of July, 7 - 10 pm, Ykon, `PLAY HOUSE` (A reality game/party performance)

Duration 7th - 25th of July


every Thursday and Saturday from 3 - 6 pm
and by appointment